MassCEC Blog

At the SmartGrowth America Equity Summit in January 2021, Sekita Grant, Vice President of Programs for The Solutions Project, stated, “The people closest to the problems innovate…

Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker has said that energy storage has the potential to "reduce costs for ratepayers and help create a clean and resilient energy future."…

We often understand the coming offshore wind boom through statistics, but have we thought about what those numbers really mean? How big is a 14-megawatt turbine, really? What…

MassCEC is pleased to announce higher incentives for our whole-home air-source heat pump pilot program from now until the pilot closes on June 25, 2021. The base incentives for…

There is no doubt among scientists that climate change is real, and humans are the cause. Since the industrial revolution, the average global temperature has risen by 1° Celsius…

MassCEC’s whole-home air-source heat pump pilot launched in May 2019, and last month MassCEC announced that we are extending the pilot through June 25, 2021.…

MassCEC is extending our whole-home air-source heat pump pilot ! We are now accepting applications through June 25, 2021. So if you have natural gas heating, and you’re…

MassCEC is still accepting new applications for our whole-home air-source heat pump pilot through December 18, 2020. Projects will have an additional six months (…

MassCEC is entering the final stretch of our whole-home air-source heat pump pilot. We are accepting new applications through December 18, 2020,…

MassCEC has extended the deadline for our whole-home air-source heat pump pilot through December 18, 2020 or as long as there is available budget. The pilot launched in…