MassCEC Blog

MassCEC’s whole-home air-source heat pump pilot program has been running for about three months now. This blog is part of our commitment to provide…

MassCEC’s whole-home air-source heat pump pilot program has been running for about two months now. This blog is part of our commitment to provide monthly updates on the…

In the realm of energy efficiency, Massachusetts has been ranked #1 in the country for eight years running. Why? Because of our innovative cleantech ecosystem, robust policy and…

MassCEC’s whole-home air-source heat pump pilot program has been running for just over a month. As we promised, we’re planning to provide regular updates about…

More and more energy policy makers are starting to adopt the mantra “Electrify Everything.” Last week the New York Times ran an editorial promoting the concept of…

We’re bombarded on an almost daily basis with reports on the impacts of climate change, both what we’re seeing today and what will happen in the coming decades. While it can…

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) facilitated three energy storage fire safety trainings in February throughout the Commonwealth. The trainings, which occurred in…

The Massachusetts Clean Energy Center is thrilled to announce $455,000 in funding to the spring 2018 round of Catalyst awardees. The Catalyst Program is jointly administered by…

Thanks to the 30% federal tax credit for geothermal heat pumps being reinstated in February 2018, plus state incentives and public awareness efforts, Massachusetts has seen a…
On a chilly December morning in Charlestown, the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center released its 2016 Annual Clean Energy Industry Report. Test
The clean energy sector in Massachusetts has seen strong growth over…