Equity Workforce Planning and Capacity Grants

The Challenge: Expand equitable access to career and business opportunities in climate-critical fields

The Massachusetts clean energy workforce will need to grow by 38%, or more than 38,000 workers by 2030 to meet the state’s climate goals. Many of these jobs will be well-paying, with median wages of over $36 per hour, in 2023 dollars. A robust, well-trained, and inclusive workforce is vital to achieving and sustaining the Commonwealth’s climate goals. Organizations that deliver career awareness, training, or business support programs can ensure that Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprises (MWBEs), fossil fuel workers, and individuals from Environmental Justice (EJ) Neighborhoods, low-income communities, or federally recognized or state-acknowledged tribes benefit from equitable access to climate-critical workforce opportunities. However, delivering such programs requires planning and resources that these organizations may not have.

About Equity Workforce Planning and Capacity Grants

Equity Workforce Planning and Capacity Grants provide up to $50,000 for up to 12 months for the development a program plan ready for implementation or up to $150,000 for up to two years for capacity building (expanding staff, solidifying essential partnerships, developing  curriculum, expanding supportive services) to start or expand a clean energy equity workforce program.

In addition to direct funding, planning and capacity grantees receive technical assistance support from MassCEC to facilitate targeted networking, expanded partnerships, stronger program design, and effective practices for achieving outcomes.

Applicants may focus programming on one or more of the following categories:

  • Strand A: Career Pathway Training Leading to Employment in Climate-Critical Priority Occupations
  • Strand B: Clean Energy Career Awareness, Career Exploration, and Preparedness for Adult Learners and Job Seekers
  • Strand C: Development of a MWBE Support Program leading to the creation or expansion of MWBEs in Climate-Critical Fields
Award Potential

$50,000 for Planning; $150,000 for Capacity

Application Deadline

May 19, 2025


Priority Deadlines:

  • 1st Priority Deadline: Dec 6, 2024
  • 2nd Priority Deadline: Feb 28, 2025
Questions? Contact

Funding Schedule

Applications for the Equity Workforce Planning and Capacity Grants are accepted on a rolling basis. Applications submitted by the listed priority review dates will be reviewed on a more expedited timeline.

Process Step


RFP Release

Oct 9, 2024

Questions Due to MassCEC via rfpworkforce@masscec.com


Questions with Answers Posted to MassCEC Website


Pre-Application Webinar

Oct 23, 2024 at 12 pm

Pre-Application Office Hours

See dates and times

Applications Due

Final deadline: May 19, 2025

Priority deadlines:

  • 1st Priority: Dec 6, 2024
  • 2nd Priority: Feb 28, 2025

Priority Review at MassCEC

Applications received by:

  • Dec 6, 2024 to be reviewed the week of Dec 9, 2024
  • Feb 8, 2024 to be reviewed the week of Mar 3, 2025

Interviews of Applicants (as needed)


Notification of Award

Approximately 6-8 weeks after submission

Who's Eligible

Single organizations or partnerships are eligible to apply. If multiple parties are applying jointly, one party should take on the role of Lead Applicant.

The following entities are eligible to serve as a Lead Applicant:

  • Community-based entities (often referred to as community-based organizations) such as community action partnerships, environmental justice organizations, neighborhood revitalization organizations, advocacy groups, affordable housing providers, affordable housing developers, and non-profits.
  • Post-secondary educational institutions, K-12 School Districts, Comprehensive and Vocational High Schools, Middle schools, and Vocational Schools offering a Career Technical Initiative evening program.
  • For-profit entities such as for-profit training companies, trade associations, unions, or other coalitions of businesses and clean energy businesses.
  • Federally Recognized and State-Acknowledged Tribes.
  • Workforce Development Organizations, Non-Profit and For-Profit.
  • Massachusetts Workforce Investment Boards and Career Centers/Mass Hire Organizations.

Applicants previously funded by MassCEC may apply so long as the proposed work is sufficiently distinct and does not lead to the same work being funded.

Applicants that have already received equity workforce planning grants may apply for a capacity grant  to execute preliminary work related to future implementations.


Application Process

To apply:

  1. Review the Equity Workforce Training Planning and Capacity Grant Request For Proposals (RFP).
  2. Review all RFP forms and attachments.
  3. Attend MassCEC informational webinars and/or use other informational resources offered.
  4. Contact MassCEC with questions or to discuss your ideas via at rfpworkforce@masscec.com.
  5. Complete all RFP forms and attachments according to instructions.
  6. Submit all completed RFP forms and attachments by email to rfpworkforce@masscec.com upon completion and before 11:59 pm on May 19, 2025, with “Equity Workforce Planning/Capacity Grant Application” in the subject line.

For full Program details, please refer to the RFP.

Send completed application to rfpworkforce@masscec.com 

Pre-Application Office Hours

MassCEC hosts a series of office hours (one-hour blocks) to answer questions about all open Workforce Development grant opportunities. Join anytime during the one-hour block!

Pre-Application Webinar

On October 23, 2024 at 12 pm, MassCEC will hold a pre-application webinar for the 2025 Equity Workforce Planning and Capacity funding opportunity. Please register below to learn more about eligibility, budget, and the application process.  This webinar will be recorded and the slides will be available for viewing after the event.

Frequently Asked Questions

These FAQs were last updated on October 9, 2024.

Questions are accepted and answers will be posted on a rolling basis. Submit questions to rfpworkforce@masscec.com.

1. Should my organization apply for a Planning Grant or a Capacity Grant?

Planning grants are intended for those applicants that need to solidify the elements of the program design prior to implementation, with the overall goal being to design a program plan ready for implementation and potentially ready for submission to a funding solicitation at MassCEC or elsewhere. For example, a planning grantee may plan on developing an accelerator program that will help MWBE contractors who are aspiring energy efficiency and renewable energy business owners training individuals to enter the building retrofit space.  These grantees may need time to identify partners for recruitment and professional services, clarify the curricular resources, or map out the implementation schedule. 

Capacity grants are intended for those applicants ready to implement but that need to build up in-house capabilities prior to launch or for those applicants that do not need full implementation funds to achieve success with the proposed program. For example, a post-secondary institution has an existing HVAC training program, but to add heat pump training, further curriculum needs to be developed and some extra training-specific equipment needs to be obtained; this is not an entirely new program or major expansion of an existing program, but is instead a beneficial incremental expansion achievable with capacity funding.

2. What level of detail is needed for the budget? Do we need verified cost estimates from vendors?

The budget requires detailed explanations of the staff/subcontractor roles and the usage of the programmatic expenses. It must be submitted using the MassCEC budget template. Budgets that do not provide rates per unit (e.g., fee per hour for subcontractors, stipend per participant, etc.) and instead list only lump sums against each line-item may be scored less favorably or be considered incomplete. If possible, verified cost estimates from vendors should be submitted for the budget to ensure funding can sustain your program if you receive the award. Separate detailed budgets submitted using the MassCEC template must be submitted for any vendor or subcontractor receiving 30% or more of the proposed program budget. MassCEC may require awardees to substantiate that no conflict of interest exists between the applicant and proposed vendors or subcontractors and provide information about the vendor selection process.

3. If our organization has received prior funding from MassCEC, are we eligible to apply to this opportunity?

Yes, applicants may apply for additional funds from MassCEC, so long as the proposed project is separate and distinct from the projects funded via prior support. In addition, grantees that previously received an equity workforce planning grant may apply for a capacity grant to execute preliminary work related to future implementation.

4. If awarded, do grants have to continue during the full six months for planning or two years for capacity, or can the applicant complete work and apply for implementation funds sooner?

The term lengths listed in the solicitation document are maximum term limits for a grant agreement. If work can be completed, with all deliverables reasonably fulfilled, in a more expedited timeline, that is acceptable and actually may be encouraged to allow for a grantee to apply for needed implementation funding timely in sync with those solicitations.

5. Can we use the funds to hire a consultant?

Applicants may use these funds to hire a consultant for targeted tasks such as identifying and approaching relevant employers about their hiring needs, researching available training curricula, etc. However, MassCEC primarily intends for funding to build grantee capacity in-house, so this funding is not intended to be used exclusively to hire outside consultants. In addition, this funding can not be used to pay for costs associated with preparing this proposal or activities that occurred before or following the term of the grant. A separate detailed budget for the consultant must be submitted in the application packet using a copy of the MassCEC budget template if the consultant will be receiving 30% or more of the proposed program budget. MassCEC may require awardees to substantiate that no conflict of interest exists between the applicant and proposed subcontractor and provide information about the consultant selection process.

6. Should partnerships already be fully established before applying for a Planning/Capacity Grant?

Applicants can apply for the planning/capacity grants with or without fully established partnerships before applying. If you are applying without fully established partnerships, your proposal will be viewed more favorably if it includes details on the specific partnerships you are trying to form to develop or expand your workforce development program. For example, your proposal can explain that you are seeking to form partnerships with community-based organizations (CBOs) to develop a comprehensive referral system for participants’ support services with a suggested list of target partner organizations.

7. Can a capacity grant be used to procure space to run training?

Funds may not be used to lease or purchase venue space or equipment for general operating purposes. However, funds may be used to lease or purchase venue space or equipment specifically designated for direct programmatic use. For example, paying for an organization’s regular rent is not acceptable. However, paying the cost of an agreement with a building trades training organization to use their lab space to train participants may be acceptable.

8. Are for-profit businesses eligible for these funds?

Yes, for profit entities such as for-profit training companies, trade associations, unions, or other coalitions of businesses and clean energy businesses are eligible to apply for the Planning and Capacity Grants as lead applicants. In addition, for-profit entities are also eligible to receive funds as partners of another Lead Applicant with detailed information on their role listed on the budget during the Planning/Capacity grant process.

9. Is the fringe rare at 22% a fixed rate, or can we come up with our own fringe rate?

You may adjust the fringe rate and then provide an explanation regarding the difference in the narrative section.

10. Is the indirect rate of 10% a fixed rate, or can we come up with our own indirect rate?

MassCEC recommends using a 10? indirect rate. However, applicants may submit a different rate if they provide sufficient documentation and explanation.

11. When will the Planning and Capacity Grants awardees be notified? Will you post the grantees as you award them?

Applicants will be notified of awards approximately 6-8 weeks after the priority review dates listed in the Funding Schedule but may be subject to an extended review process if interviews are necessary. The publication of the awardees and their projects will depend on the press release announcement plans set by the Massachusetts Executive Office of Environmental Affairs and the Governor’s office.

12. Will there be an opportunity to get feedback on the grant application?

Applicants will receive feedback from MassCEC upon notification of the award results, whether or not an award is made to the applicant.

Other Resources

MassCEC will look favorably on applications that propose data-driven approaches and leverage pre-existing resources from the robust workforce development and clean energy sectors in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Applicants are advised to use the following and additional resources to inform their applications:

Job Training & Workforce Development

Networking icon


MassCEC  is compiling a list of potential applicants interested in networking and partnerships for the open Workforce Equity grants. View the list here.

Sign up to the partnership list by sending your contact name, contact info, type of organization, and focus sector to rfpworkforce@masscec.com.

Recent Planning and Capacity Grant Projects

Round 1 Grantee
All In Energy

All In Energy is developing career pathways for multilingual individuals from EJ neighborhoods to become energy auditors, these pathways involve placement in customer-facing roles at Mass Save programs to give participants the resources and time needed to train to become energy auditors.

Round 2 Grantee
Apprentice Learning

Apprentice Learning is developing a multi-year plan to integrate awareness of climate-critical career pathways and real-world learning experiences into its curricula and programming for in-school and out-of-school time activities targeted middle-school youth in Boston’s low-income and environmental justice communities. 

Round 1 Grantee
Automotive Careers Development Center

Automotive Careers Development Center (ACDC) is expanding existing hybrid and EV training programs to recruit and train individuals working in the fossil fuel industry from EJ Neighborhoods across the state to work in and service those communities.

Round 1 Grantee
Browning the Green Space

Browning the Green Space (BGS) is exploring pathways for formerly incarcerated citizens in Boston to receive training and support needed to enter high-performance building retrofits sector, exploring partnerships and solutions that reduce the barriers faced by those with CORI issues.

Round 1 Grantee
Codman Square Neighborhood Development Corporation

Codman Square Neighborhood Development Corporation (CSNDC) is exploring career pathways with employer partners for formerly incarcerated citizens to enter the high-performance building retrofits sector, with emphasis on accommodating CORIs.

Round 1 Grantee
Greenfield Community College

Greenfield Community College is developing a co-op model with employer partners throughout Franklin and Hampshire Counties to train workers in fossil fuel industries and individuals in EJ neighborhoods to transition to clean energy job alternatives in the high-performance retrofits sector.

Round 1 Grantee
Greenroots Chelsea

GreenRoots Chelsea is exploring training a wide range of people of color, workers in the fossil fuel industry, and youth from Chelsea and East Boston to enter the clean energy sector locally in careers related to solar energy and microgrids.

Round 1 Grantee
Groundwork Lawrence Technical School

Groundwork Lawrence Technical School is developing a customized multi-year training program to train residents of Lawrence and other Merrimack Valley EJ Neighborhoods to enter careers in the high-performance retrofits sector.

Round 1 Grantee
Julius Education

Julius Education is developing and deploying a Massachusetts Green Buildings Accelerator Plan that can be deployed across EJ Neighborhoods statewide, providing residents with career navigation to better understand career pathways, access foundational training, and enter curated workforce and educational pathways.

Round 1 Grantee
Local Initiatives Support Corporation

Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) is exploring the expansion of LISC’s existing weatherization training program, Bridges to Green jobs, which provides training for participants from EJ Neighborhoods to become weatherization technicians. Also exploring the addition of an entry-level heat pump tech training.

Round 2 Grantee
Madison Park Technical Vocational High School

Madison Park Technical Vocational High School is partnering with Career Champions Network to implement recommendations from the school’s Clean Energy Task Force, generate a career exploration initiative for students, and develop a plan for an after-hours adult training program for clean energy sector occupations.  

Round 2 Grantee
Massachusetts Association of Community Colleges

Massachusetts Association of Community Colleges (MACC) is conducting a needs assessment and gap analysis on training for entry to mid-level climate critical careers to inform the execution of programs in Massachusetts’ community colleges.  

Round 1 Grantee
Massachusetts Climate Action Network

Massachusetts Climate Action Network (MCAN) is researching the components of an incumbent worker training program that meet the training needs of black and indigenous people of color (BIPOC) for new entrants and established workers with a focus on occupations in HVAC and building electrification.

Round 1 Grantee
MassHire North Shore Workforce Board

MassHire North Shore Workforce Board is developing a regional equitable workforce training plan and training programs leading to jobs in the offshore wind industry supply chain and other parts of the blue economy.

Round 2 Grantee
New England Women in Energy and the Environment

New England Women in Energy and the Environment (NEWIEE) is developing a fellowship program that seeks to train women in various climate critical occupations, matching selected individuals with companies/organizations operating in the clean energy industry, and will establish partnerships with organizations who will assist in diversifying recruitment processes to engage more women of color in the program and provide mentorship and support services throughout the fellowship. 

Round 2 Grantee
Northeast Home Energy Ratings System Alliance

Northeast Home Energy Ratings System Alliance (NEHERS) is hiring a technical director to expand their existing HERS Rater Trainings to include mentorship and training for Rating Field Inspectors (RFIs) and HERS Modelers as an apprenticeship-equivalent pathway into the industry, specifically targeting underrepresented demographics. 

Round 1 Grantee
People Acting in Community Endeavors, Inc

People Acting in Community Endeavors, Inc. (PACE) is connecting the most underserved individuals in New Bedford and neighboring EJ communities that may be missed by traditional workforce approaches by addressing their skills gaps to prepare them to work in the growing Offshore Wind Industry.

Round 1 Grantee
Roads Consulting Group

Roads Consulting Group is creating a plan to design secure business recruitment pathways for Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprises in low-income and Environmental Justice designated communities to enter the clean energy industry. 

Round 1 Grantee
Roxbury Community College

Roxbury Community College is developing a heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration (HVAC-R) program for people of color and EJ neighborhoods.


Round 2 Grantee
Studio for High-Performance Design and Construction

The Studio for High-Performance Design and Construction (StudioHPDC) will create a plan to train carpentry instructors in the high-performance buildings sector at vocational/technical schools in Environmental Justice Communities. 

Round 1 Grantee
Sustainable Business Network of Massachusetts

Sustainable Business Network of Massachusetts (SBN) is developing the SBN Workforce Diversity Program that will support diversifying the solar industry with a focus on EJ neighborhoods. SBN will focus on occupations in project development, sales and marketing, operations, and maintenance.

Round 1 Grantee
Transform Power Systems (formerly Nordee Enterprises)

Transform Power Systems (formerly, Nordee Enterprises) is providing individuals in Hyde Park and Mattapan-based high schools exposure to clean energy jobs through specialization workshops at local technical school, colleges and neighborhoods associations.

Round 1 Grantee
Tremco CPG Inc.

Tremco CPG Inc is exploring the expansion and upskilling of the Rising Stars trades program hosted at Madison Park Vocational Technical School to include high-performance retrofit training and placement pathways.

Round 2 Grantee
Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) is developing a building energy system training program to provide training to underrepresented individuals, focusing on energy-efficient HVAC systems.   

Additional Funding Opportunities

EmPower Massachusetts

Opportunity Type
Award Potential
  • $150,000 (Implementation)
  • $25,000 (in some cases up to $50,000) (Innovation and Capacity Building)
Application Deadline

Innovation and Capacity Building: Open

Implementation: Open