Before you can report production to the Production Tracking System, you first need to register your system.
Register My System for SREC II
DOER is no longer accepting Solar Carve-Out II applications. The SMART Program officially launched on November 26, 2018, marking the last day on which solar facilities in Massachusetts could qualify under the SREC II Program.
Register My System Non-SREC
If you choose to sell your Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) for any renewable energy system, you may be required by your contract agreement with your REC owner to report production data from a revenue quality meter to the PTS. To register a non-SREC or non-PV renewable system to the PTS, please complete the applicable form, and email to
- PTS Data Template PV
- PTS Data Template Wind
- PTS Data Template Hydro
- PTS Data Template Fuel Cell
- PTS Data Template Biomass
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