Robosys Automation Inc


361 Newbury Street,
361 Newbury Street, Boston, MA 02115
United States

Number of MA Employees
Please describe the nature of the business or organization
Robosys is involved in developing software and technology for maritime autonomy and smart shipping applications. The technology is used for control of electric and hydrogen powered vessels. Its AI powered autonomous navigation software has collision avoidance, anti-grounding and obstacle avoidance capabilities to navigate around offshore windfarms.
Are you interested in hiring international students?
Compensation Explanation
The company uses ADP Payroll system and the students will be receiving a W2 form. Robosys will be financially able to compensate the interns. Robosys has paying customers for its technology and will be able to fulfill the compensation requirements.
Contact Name
Alex Nicolle
Contact Title
Contact Email
Contact Phone
Clean energy sector
Offshore Wind
Employee Emails
Where did you hear about the program?
Word of mouth