Response period closed January 12, 2024.
Goal of Request for Information (RFI)
This RFI gauged interest and received input into the potential for the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC) to support neighborhood electrification demonstration projects. For purposes of this RFI, MassCEC defined “neighborhood electrification” as the strategic electrification of the building stock and decommissioning of the natural gas system in defined geographic areas -- such as street segments, neighborhoods, or zones -- that leverage opportunities where electrification could be more cost-effective than reinvestment in the gas system (e.g., pipeline repair).
MassCEC received nearly 40 responses from municipal government affiliated persons, technical experts and consultants, utilities, advocacy groups, manufacturers, heat pump contractors, and individuals. In parallel, MassCEC held stakeholder conversations with several utilities, technical experts, and the Department of Public Utilities to further inform its planning.
Given stakeholders’ strong response to the RFI and the Department of Public Utilities’ "Order on Regulatory Principles and Framework" in its 20-80 docket, MassCEC is determining whether and how it will support neighborhood electrification efforts in the future. The RFI does not commit MassCEC to offer any program associated with neighborhood electrification, award any funds, pay any costs incurred in preparing a response, or procure or contract for services or supplies.
Questions regarding neighborhood electrification can be sent to