Massachusetts Climate Action Network


1665 Commonwealth Ave
Unit #9
Boston, MA 02135
United States

Number of MA Employees
Please describe the nature of the business or organization
MCAN is a Boston-based non-profit organization that works with its 60 local chapters on advocating for local and state-wide policies focused on clean energy, renewable energy, building electrification and building codes, and public energy utilities. MCAN is a small, lean organization that has a team-based work culture, where clear communication and adaptability are important for completing work efficiently and thoroughly. All staff currently work remotely.
Are you interested in hiring international students?
Compensation Explanation
Interns will be compensated at $16/hr through the Program. Interns will be paid bimonthly via MCAN's payroll.
Contact Name
Logan Malik
Contact Title
Interim Executive Director
Contact Email
Contact Phone
Clean energy sector
Energy Efficiency
Employee Emails